Kritana Wiki

The Perfect Beings[]

Elves are renowned to be the most beautiful


A city far north in Vemira, close to the rocky land of Kristallin.

species that walk on two legs in The Second World. They vary in as many species as there are biomes. Water Elves, Forest Elves and many more come from this general statement of "elf". Most Elves that one hears about is an Imperial Elf, which makes its home in a city. They have no special adaptations to help them survive in the wilds, unlike their specialized bretheren.

Elves make their home in Vemira, a land far in the east. Their land is completely varied. Their land consists of deserts, plains, jungles, volcanoes in the north as well as mountains, and has a coast as well. There are even islands off the coast of Vemira, with their own varieties of Elves.
